If you have never wallpapered before, or if you have only used the paste-the-wall method of wallpaper application, then chances are you might not be familiar with why or how to book wallpaper. “Booking” wallpaper is a decorating industry term that means allowing your wallpaper to rest for a period of time while the paper has a chance to expand and contract. It prevents your seams from separating. Here is a quick video of how to book unpasted wallpaper. For instructions on booking pre-pasted wallpaper read on below.
Wallpaper is either pre-pasted or unpasted. If your wallpaper is unpasted and you are using the paste-the-wall method, then you do not need to book your wallpaper. If your wallpaper is pre-pasted, submerge the strip in water to activate the paste. If your wallpaper is unpasted, you can also “book” each strip after applying the glue to make sure that the moisture from the glue application does not cause the strip to expand and later contract, creating a visible gap in between strips.
After wetting the paper, or applying the paste, gently fold both ends of the strip, paste side in, towards the center, without creasing the folds. You should see the pattern facing out. Consult the manufacturers instructions for how long to allow your wallpaper to rest, typically it is between 5 and 10 minutes.
For more help with wallpaper installation, how to remove wallpaper, how to hang borders and any other wallpaper FAQs, please check out our installation guides, helpful hints and decorating resources.